Ministry Vision Christ Embassy Wiesbaden Pastor Leo Maglo Contact and Prayer Requests Live TV Christ Embassy International Donation German Page

CE Wiesbaden

- church Program and contactchurch report and EventsMen MinistryWoman Ministrychildren Ministrychurch workers -

church Program and contact


Head Pastor Wiesbaden: Leo Maglo (ordained Pastor)
Children Ministry: Christiana Maglo
Phone +49-(0)611-763 7649
Mobile +49-(0)172-961 9366

Church Service:

Every Friday 18:30 - 20:30 Regular Service
Every Sunday 14:00 - 16:00 Regular Service
Last Friday in the month 23:00 - 03:00 "All Night"
1st sunday in the Month Communion service (with Fasten)
Second Sunday in the month 11:30 Street Evangelism

Church Address : Hans-Böcklerstr.65,   65199 Wiesbaden-schelmengraben (Germany)


church report and Events...

Great and beautiful testimonies in this Month of Instruction October.

1- a sister from the church  brother was supernatural preserved by angels during a big slaughter by wicked men in Africa...



Men Ministry

Great man , dedicated to the work of the Ministry ;


Woman Ministry

Woman of wisdom, ready to lift  Jesus higher and higher...


children Minisry

 the bible says in Proverbs 22:6 "To train up a child in the way he should go…

Children on training, knowing their creator,Family, the word of God...

church workers

The spirit of God is Bringing in the workers full of love and the advancement of the ministry.
